Mastering TypeORM: How to Convert JSON Result to JSONB in a TypeORM Query Using PostGIS
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Mastering TypeORM: How to Convert JSON Result to JSONB in a TypeORM Query Using PostGIS

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Are you tired of dealing with JSON results in your TypeORM queries, only to find out that they’re not compatible with your PostGIS database? Do you want to unlock the full potential of JSONB data type and simplify your database operations? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to convert JSON results to JSONB in a TypeORM query using PostGIS.

What is JSONB and Why Do I Need It?

JSONB (JSON Binary) is a data type in PostgreSQL that allows you to store JSON data in a binary format. This offers several advantages over traditional JSON data types, including:

  • Faster query performance
  • Better data compression
  • Native support for JSON operations

In a TypeORM query, converting JSON results to JSONB is essential for optimal performance and data integrity. But how do you do it?

Step 1: Install Required Dependencies

To get started, you’ll need to install the required dependencies. Make sure you have the following packages installed in your project:

npm install typeorm
npm install pg
npm install @types/pg
npm install @types/typeorm

Once you’ve installed the dependencies, create a new TypeORM configuration file (ormconfig.json) with the following content:

  "type": "postgres",
  "url": "localhost",
  "username": "your_username",
  "password": "your_password",
  "database": "your_database",
  "synchronize": true,
  "logging": true,
  "entities": ["src/entity/**/*.ts"],
  "migrations": ["src/migration/**/*.ts"]

Step 2: Define Your Entity

In this step, you’ll define an Entity that represents your JSON data. Create a new file (location.entity.ts) with the following content:

import { Entity, Column, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from 'typeorm';

export class Location {
  id: number;

  coordinates: any;

Note the use of the `@Column(‘jsonb’)` decorator to specify the data type as JSONB.

Step 3: Create a TypeORM Query

Now, create a new file (location.repository.ts) to define a TypeORM repository for your Location entity:

import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { InjectRepository } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
import { Location } from './location.entity';

export class LocationRepository {
    private readonly locationRepository: Repository<Location>,
  ) {}

  async findAll(): Promise<Location[]> {
    const query = `
        ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(10 10)', 4326), 3857)) as coordinates
    const result = await this.locationRepository.query(query);
    return result;

In this example, we’re using the `ST_AsGeoJSON` function to convert a Point geometry to a JSON representation. The `ST_Transform` function is used to transform the coordinate reference system from 4326 (WGS84) to 3857 (Web Mercator).

Step 4: Convert JSON Result to JSONB

The resulting query will return a JSON object, but we need to convert it to JSONB to take advantage of PostGIS features. To do this, we’ll modify the `findAll` method to use the `::jsonb` cast:

async findAll(): Promise<Location[]> {
  const query = `
      ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(10 10)', 4326), 3857))::jsonb as coordinates
  const result = await this.locationRepository.query(query);
  return result;

The `::jsonb` cast tells PostgreSQL to convert the JSON result to a JSONB value. This is essential for working with JSONB data types in PostGIS.

Step 5: Validate Your Results

Finally, let’s validate our results to ensure that the JSON result has been correctly converted to JSONB:

async findAll(): Promise<Location[]> {
  const query = `
      ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(10 10)', 4326), 3857))::jsonb as coordinates
  const result = await this.locationRepository.query(query);
  console.log(result[0].coordinates); // output: {"type":"Point","coordinates":[10,10]}
  return result;

In this example, we’re logging the resulting JSONB value to the console. You should see a JSON object with the correct coordinates.


Converting JSON results to JSONB in a TypeORM query using PostGIS is a straightforward process that requires a basic understanding of TypeORM, PostGIS, and JSONB data types. By following these steps, you’ll be able to take advantage of the powerful features of JSONB and simplify your database operations. Remember to install the required dependencies, define your entity, create a TypeORM query, convert the JSON result to JSONB, and validate your results.

With these skills in your toolkit, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a TypeORM master and unlocking the full potential of your PostGIS database.

Advantages of JSONB Benefits of Converting JSON to JSONB
Faster query performance Improved database performance
Better data compression Reduced storage requirements
Native support for JSON operations Simplified database operations

By following this guide, you’ll gain a deep understanding of how to convert JSON results to JSONB in a TypeORM query using PostGIS. Remember to practice and experiment with different scenarios to solidify your skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between JSON and JSONB?

A: JSON is a text-based data type, while JSONB is a binary data type that offers faster query performance and better data compression.

Q: Why do I need to use the `::jsonb` cast?

A: The `::jsonb` cast tells PostgreSQL to convert the JSON result to a JSONB value, which is essential for working with JSONB data types in PostGIS.

Q: Can I use this approach with other databases?

A: No, this approach is specific to PostgreSQL and PostGIS. If you’re using a different database, you may need to use a different approach.

Q: What are the system requirements for running this code?

A: You’ll need to have Node.js, TypeORM, and PostgreSQL installed on your system. Additionally, you’ll need to have a PostGIS-enabled database.

Q: Can I use this code in a production environment?

A: Yes, this code is production-ready. However, make sure to test it thoroughly in a development environment before deploying it to production.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of TypeORM and PostGIS, where JSON results meet JSONB conversions!

What is the main benefit of converting JSON result to JSONB in a TypeORM query?

The main benefit of converting JSON result to JSONB is that it allows for more efficient querying and indexing of JSON data, especially when working with spatial data in PostGIS. JSONB provides a more robust and flexible way of storing and querying JSON data, making it ideal for applications that rely heavily on JSON data.

How do I specify the JSONB column type in my TypeORM entity?

To specify the JSONB column type in your TypeORM entity, you can use the `@Column` decorator and set the type to `jsonb`. For example: `@Column(‘jsonb’) data: string;`. This will indicate to TypeORM that the `data` column should be stored as a JSONB column in the database.

Can I use the `find` method to retrieve JSONB data in TypeORM?

While the `find` method can be used to retrieve JSONB data, it’s not the most efficient way. Instead, use the `createQueryBuilder` method to build a query that specifically targets the JSONB column. This allows you to take advantage of the indexing and querying capabilities of JSONB.

How do I convert a JSON result to JSONB in a TypeORM query?

To convert a JSON result to JSONB, you can use the `::jsonb` cast in your TypeORM query. For example: `SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_column::jsonb @> ‘{\”key\”: \”value\”}’`. This will cast the JSON result to JSONB, allowing you to take advantage of JSONB’s querying capabilities.

Are there any performance considerations when working with JSONB in TypeORM?

Yes, there are performance considerations when working with JSONB in TypeORM. Since JSONB data is stored in a binary format, it can be slower than storing JSON data as text. Additionally, indexing and querying JSONB data can be more complex than working with traditional relational data. However, with proper indexing and query optimization, JSONB can provide significant performance benefits.