Can I Change the Version of curl R is Using?
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Can I Change the Version of curl R is Using?

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As an R user, you might have encountered situations where you need to change the version of curl that R is using. Perhaps you’re stuck with an outdated version, or maybe you’re experiencing compatibility issues with the current version. Whatever the reason, this article will guide you through the process of changing the version of curl that R uses.

Why Would I Want to Change the Version of curl?

There are several reasons why you might want to change the version of curl that R is using:

  • Security concerns: If you’re using an outdated version of curl, you might be vulnerable to security exploits. Updating to a newer version can ensure you’re protected from potential security risks.
  • Compatibility issues: Different versions of curl can have different features and behaviors. If you’re experiencing issues with certain packages or functions that rely on curl, switching to a different version might resolve the problem.
  • Feature enhancements: Newer versions of curl often include new features, improvements, and bug fixes. If you need a specific feature or enhancement, upgrading to a newer version might be the solution.

How to Check the Current Version of curl in R

Before we dive into changing the version of curl, let’s first check the current version that R is using. You can do this by running the following code in your R console:

R> curl::curl_version()
[1] "7.64.0"

[1] "OpenSSL/1.1.1"

[1] "1.2.11"

[1] "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"

[1] "1.1"

[1] 0x101010bf

[1] 0x10600

This code will output the current version of curl, along with other relevant information.

How to Change the Version of curl in R

Now that we’ve checked the current version of curl, let’s move on to changing it. There are a few methods to do this, and we’ll cover each one in detail.

Method 1: Using the curl AABBCC Syntax

This method is the simplest way to change the version of curl in R. The curl AABBCC syntax allows you to specify the version of curl you want to use, where AABBCC represents the version number.

R> curl::curl_version("7.71.1")

Replace “7.71.1” with the version number you want to use. This will set the version of curl to the specified version for the current R session. Note that this method only affects the current R session and will not persist across sessions.

Method 2: Using the curl_config Function

The curl_config function allows you to set the version of curl permanently, across all R sessions. This method is more complex, but provides greater control over the curl configuration.

R> curl::curl_config(version = "7.71.1")

This code will set the version of curl to 7.71.1 permanently. Note that this method requires administrative privileges and will affect all R sessions on the system.

Method 3: Using a curl Binary with R

This method involves using a separate curl binary with R, rather than relying on the system’s default curl installation. This can be useful if you need to use a specific version of curl that’s not available on your system.

First, download the curl binary for your system from the official curl website. Extract the binary to a location on your system, such as /usr/local/bin/curl.

Next, update your R script to use the new curl binary:

R> Sys.setenv(CURL_BINARY = "/usr/local/bin/curl")

This code tells R to use the specified curl binary instead of the system’s default.

Troubleshooting and Common Issues

Changing the version of curl in R can sometimes lead to issues or errors. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

Issue Solution
Error: curl is not found Check that the curl binary is installed and available on your system. If not, install curl and try again.
Error: unable to load curl.dll Check that the curl.dll file is in the correct location and that the path is correctly set. Try reinstalling curl or checking the installation directory.
cURL error 7: Couldn’t connect to server Check your internet connection and try again. If the issue persists, try updating your curl version or checking your firewall settings.


In conclusion, changing the version of curl in R is a relatively straightforward process that can be achieved through one of three methods: using the curl AABBCC syntax, the curl_config function, or by using a separate curl binary with R. By following the instructions in this article, you should be able to successfully change the version of curl to suit your needs. Remember to troubleshoot and resolve any issues that may arise during the process.

Happy R-ing!

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Can I change the version of curl R is using?

Yes, you can change the version of curl that R is using. One way to do this is by setting the `CURL_VERSION` environment variable before starting R. For example, if you want to use curl 7.64, you can set `CURL_VERSION=7.64` and then start R. Alternatively, you can also modify the `curl_config` file in your R installation to point to the desired version of curl.

Why would I want to change the version of curl R is using?

You may want to change the version of curl R is using if you need a specific feature or fix that is only available in a newer or older version of curl. For example, if you’re experiencing issues with SSL certificates, you may want to use a newer version of curl that has improved SSL/TLS support. Alternatively, if you’re using an older system that doesn’t support the latest version of curl, you may need to use an older version that is compatible with your system.

How do I check which version of curl R is currently using?

You can check which version of curl R is currently using by running the command `curlVersion()` in your R console. This will return the version of curl that R is currently using. Alternatively, you can also check the `curl_config` file in your R installation to see which version of curl is specified.

Will changing the version of curl affect my R scripts?

Changing the version of curl R is using should not affect your R scripts, as the curl package in R provides a unified interface to the curl functionality. However, it’s possible that certain features or behaviors may change between versions of curl, so you may need to modify your scripts accordingly. Additionally, if you’re using third-party packages that rely on curl, you may need to ensure that they are compatible with the new version of curl.

Are there any potential issues with changing the version of curl R is using?

Yes, there are potential issues to be aware of when changing the version of curl R is using. For example, if you downgrade to an older version of curl, you may lose access to newer features or security patches. Additionally, if you upgrade to a newer version of curl, you may encounter compatibility issues with other system libraries or dependencies. It’s always a good idea to test your scripts and packages thoroughly after changing the version of curl to ensure that everything is working as expected.

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